Rule 75


Massachusetts Superior Court Rule 75: Procedure in Election Petitions


The rules applicable to non-jury cases shall apply to proceedings in matters of election petitions so far as they are applicable, except as hereinafter otherwise provided.

The provisions of Mass.R.Civ.P. 5 requiring copies to be given to adverse parties shall apply to election petitioners so far as such provisions relate to any pleading, motion or bill of particulars, or specifications.

A motion by the defendant for a bill of particulars or specifications shall be filed not later than the day when the answer is filed; and a motion for further specifications shall be filed within two days from the date when the specifications objected to as insufficient are filed.

No party to an election petition shall be allowed to file interrogatories for the purpose of discovery.

Engagements of counsel shall not be grounds for postponing the trial of an election petition beyond the day set therefor by the court.

A request by a party that the case be reported to the Supreme Judicial Court for determination by the full court shall be made by writing filed with the clerk within twenty-four hours after such party receives from the clerk notice of the order for final decree. Such request shall contain a brief statement of the matters as to which a report is desired and of the reasons for the request.

(Applicable to proceedings in matters of election petitions)

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