Rule 17


Massachusetts Superior Court Rule 17: Recording Devices


No person shall use or have in his possession or under his control in the chambers or lobby of a justice or justices of the court, or in any courtroom or other place provided for a hearing or proceeding of any kind on any action or matter pending before the court, or before any master, arbitrator, or any other person appointed by the court, any mechanical, electronic or other device, equipment, appliance or apparatus for recording, registering or otherwise reproducing sounds or voices, unless prior authorization for such use or possession is granted by the justice then having immediate supervision of such courtroom or other place. Every order granting such authorization shall be upon condition that no such recording or reproduction may be used to impeach, discredit or otherwise affect the authenticity or accuracy of the record of such action or proceeding or of the transcript therein made by the official court reporter.

(Applicable to all cases)

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